Mess- und Kalibriergeräte wie Längen- und Winkelmessgeräte, Endmaße, Lehrringe, Bügelmessgeräte und Längenmessmaschinen
Accuracy :0.001 micron
Material:Gauge Steel, Carbide
Frischbeton ab 200Litern!
Ein absolutes Highlight steht Ihnen mit unserer Betontankstelle zur Verfügung.
Die Lösung, falls Sie kleinere Mengen Beton für Ihren Garten, die Schaukel oder andere Anwendungen benötigen.
• Mengen ab 200 Litern werden frisch für Sie produziert.
• Passende Additive für eine verlängerte Verarbeitungzeit.
• Lieferung im BIG BAG mit Kranwagen erspart Zeit und Abfall.
• Kein lästiges Anrühren.
At Eco Bio ST we want to offer our clients a clean, efficient and least invasive service possible. Because we know that unblocking can be a complicated and somewhat cumbersome task, our team always proceeds in the way that has the least impact on our customers.
We are equipped with the highest technologies to find out where the fault is, since we have robotic cameras with an internal TV system. In this way the fault is detected to proceed with the unblocking of all types of pipes.
-Downpipes of communities of owners.
-General pipeline unblocking. Pipe cleaning.
-Unblocking and cleaning of siphons and drains.
-Unblocking and cleaning of wells.
-Unblocking with pressurized water and spirals according to your needs.
-Emptying and cleaning of septic tanks.
-Emptying and pumping of basements, garages, commercials, etc.
Typical „EBST“ wastewater treatment plants ATC-P 6 to 12 are intended for municipal wastewater treatment from individual houses for 2 to 12 PE (population equivalent). After cleaning in wastewater treatment plants water can be discharged into the open water bodies, infiltrated into the soil, released to the rainwater system or used as process water. Get in touch to find out how I can help.
Intended for wastewater treatment for campsites or urbanisations to 500 PE (population equivalent). After cleaning in wastewater treatment plants water can be discharged into the open water bodies, infiltrated into the soil, released to the rainwater system or used as process water. Get in touch to find out how I can help.